Do NFL fans prefer Ford or Chevy?
Do NFL fans prefer Ford or Chevy?
StatSocial stack ranked the preferences of every NFL team’s fans — and the results may surprise you.

In anticipation of Super Bowl LIII , this entry is the second in what will be an extensive series exploring and comparing the affinities, demographics, hobbies, and preferences of each NFL team’s fans. Our first entry took a dive into political leanings.
To make these comparisons we are using — what else? — StatSocial ’s uniquely powerful audience insights.
This time we’re going somewhere a bit different from our last entry. While competition between the entities highlighted in this comparison may be stiff, our nation is not quite so vociferously contentious regarding the issue. This time out, we’re looking at what made Detroit famous.
You Read the Subject Line — You Know Where This is Going
We’re not talking about Mark Fidrych, or even Motown . Indeed, Berry Gordy would not have had nearly so catchy a name for his legendary record label had Detroit never been known as the Motor City , the capital of America’s great automotive industry.
For this comparison, we observed the online behaviors of hundreds of thousands of each NFL team’s fans. Specifically, those on social media who are actively engaging with and discussing one of two giants in the biz.

In the case of both Ford and Chevy , you are dealing with real-deal Americana. They are two brands as deeply embedded in our nation’s mythology, and our collective imaginations, as our own National Football League .
Well, how do you like that? A perfect excuse to dive into our stats.
Looking at the segment of each team’s fans who are engaging with one of the two brand featured in this study, we’ve broken out below where the American automobile affinities of each team’s most hardcore fans most strongly reside.

Fans of the Motor City’s Lions are the most evenly divided in their enthusiasms. This may indeed be unsurprising. More notable, however, is that Detroit ’s fans are also the bunch most taken with Ford . In fact, they are the only collection of fans who can count a majority within that camp.
Affinities shift over to the Chevrolet side immediately thereafter, with a confident — if comparably modest, when looking at the list as a whole— majority of the Los Angeles Chargers ’ fans being looked at here also being Chevy fans.
You can see the full results for yourselves above. As the scales tip ever more so to Team Chevy , by the time we get to North Carolina, such an affinity is evident for over three-quarters of the fans in this analysis.
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We’ll be visiting numerous subjects of this general nature — all highlighting the rich and varied affinities of each NFL team’s fans — in the days running up to Super Bowl LIII.
And check out the written matter in the footer, and reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to see much, much more.
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