Which NFL team’s fans will be “Going to Disney World”?
Which NFL team’s fans will be “Going to Disney World”?

Super Bowl LIII is right around the corner. Until that winter holiday arrives, our series of entries looking at the social media audiences of each NFL team will continue.
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“I’m going to Disney World!”
On January, 26 1987, the Monday morning after the New York Giants ’ first ever Super Bow l victory, the below commercial aired. Just like that, an ad campaign as legendary and enduring as any ever devised was launched.
(If you have “Do Not Track” enabled on your browser, you can see the below by clicking-through here. )
Michael Eisner, then Disney CEO, had come up with the idea only two days prior to the big game.
Super Bowl XXI found the Giants facing off against the Denver Broncos . Both team’s quarterbacks were contracted for the spot. To the victor went the slogan. Neither Phil Simms nor the Broncos ’ John Elway could possibly have known that “ I’m going to Disney World ” (or, alternately, “ Disneyland” ) would immediately and for decades thereafter become synonymous with glory, achievement, and excellence.
A few years back, ‘ Sports Illustrated ’ ran a piece detailing the iconic campaign’s history, which you can check out here .
Diving into the statistics on every NFL team’s audience, we determined what proportion of each is made up of those demonstrably devoted to Orlando, Florida’s mammoth and breathtaking Walt Disney World .

As synonymous with American popular culture and industry as both Walt and the theme parks and resorts that bear his name are, convenience seems to be something of a factor here. The top three teams on the list share a Sunshine State home with Disney World .
While there’s a sharp proportional drop-off once the list hits the fourth place slot, things geographically shoot 1,200 miles north to the brisk climes of Buffalo, New York. Hey Omnicom OMD ( Disney ’s agency of record) — perhaps you should give the team at Pegula Sports and Entertainment a call.
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