Bud Light vs. Miller Lite vs. Coors Light compete in #BeerBowl 2019
Bud Light vs. Miller Lite vs. Coors Light compete in #BeerBowl 2019

The conference championships have now been decided. Super Bowl LIII will feature postseason perennials, the New England Patriots facing off against the L os Angeles Rams. In celebration of Super Sunday 2019, we march on with our series of entries applying the powerful social media audience analysis of the StatSocial tool to the fan bases of every NFL team. We’re giving all sorts of once overs, from a vast many different angles.
We’ve looked at which teams have the friendliest fans , revealed how each team’s fans lean politically , and even looked at which team’s fans most dig Walt Disney World .

This time out we’re plunging into a topic near and dear to the hearts of many a football fan. Brews. Preferably cold. Some, however, like to consider their waistlines. The metabolism does change as we get older, and the term “beer belly” wasn’t yanked out of thin air.
For many decades now, beer manufacturers have addressed this issue head on, offering “light” versions of their celebrated brands. Not showing favoritism here with this quote, but as Miller ’s extremely memorable ad campaign put it, these lower calorie alternatives would provide you — the thirsty consumer — “ Everything you’ve always wanted in a beer. And less. ”
Many a can of each of the brands featured here have been popped open in front of millions of TVs throughout America, each and every Sunday, during each and every autumn.
We’ve analyzed hundreds of thousands of the fans of every NFL squad who also identify as fans of Bud Light , Coors Light , and/or Miller Lite . The chart below reflects what proportion of each team’s light beer drinkers prefer which brand.

Coors Light , while a very popular brand, is in an inarguable third place here. The brand had once been the NFL ’s official beer sponsor.
The first successful American light beer brand, Miller Lite , is somewhat confidently the king of this mountain. The star-studded, “ tastes great, less filling ” ad campaign, which has found its memorable slogan repurposed for a truckload of memes in recent years, has forever wedged itself in the minds of millions of light beer drinkers and football fans.
Without getting into all the ins and outs of mergers and divestment of brands, the conglomerate known as MillerCoors manufactures — as their name suggests — both Coors Light and Miller Lite . So really, it’s all a win for them.
Fans of the Patriots show a preference for Bud Light above the alternatives . The Pats’ Super Bowl opposition, the Rams , find themselves admired by fans who also prefer Budweiser ’s lighter kid brother brand.

This “ kid brother ” brand, of course, has for the past few years been — and will be for many years to come — the NFL ’s official beer sponsor.
Bud Light revealed itself to be no mere contender or pretender during 1991’s Bud Bowl III . Much as the Joe Namath led New York Jets had legitimized the AFL (later the AFC ) with their upset victory over the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III , the King of Beers’ princely sibling managed a historic victory ( which you can see by clicking here ). From that point forward Bud Light was taken quite seriously by fans of stop-motion animated, beer-oriented football games everywhere.
Devotees of the Denver Broncos , while made up of a larger proportion of Bud Light drinkers, find the most profound percentage of their fans consumers of Coors Light . Coors being a proud Colorado company, this ultimately makes sense.
Green Bay, Wisconsin may be a two hour drive from Milwaukee, but the Packers are without question Milwaukee’s team. Automobile manufacturing. may have put Detroit on the map , and there’s little doubt that the Packers made Green Bay famous, but what made Milwaukee famous is beer.
This is simply to say that the overwhelming preference for Miller Lite evident among the Packer s’ fans could be construed as high praise indeed.

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